Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Champions from Malaysia

Hari ini saya mendapat tahu bahawa keempat-empat cabang Reliability di SK kini di pegang oleh Malaysian. Dengan perlantikan saudara Haswadi sebagai RBI Champion yang diumumkan semalam, bermakna kesemua kerusi Champion di dalam Reliability Program di SK kini dipegang anak Malaysia.

Keempat cabang Reliability yang dimaksudkan ialah

1. RCM - Champion Sdr. Suhaimi Alfitri (ex- Petronas GTS)
2. RIS - Champion Sdr. Azmi Bidin (ex- Rel Manager Penapisan)
3. RBI - Champion Sdr. Haswady Yusof (ex- RBI Carigali)
4. RCA - Champion Sdr. Hadlynoor Muhamad (ex- OPTIMAL)

Apakah significantnya ke-empat2 cabang Reliability ini dipegang oleh anak Malaysia? Memetik kata-kata Sdr. Suhaimi

"Next STRP4 meeting, we can talk in Malay...."


p/s: RCM, RIS, RBI merupakan input to the reliability program manakala RCA berperanan sebagai feedback mechanism

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pentadbiran Harta Pusaka Part 1

Apa itu harta pusaka dan bolehkan seorang muslim mentadbir harta pusaka miliknya? Harta pusaka adalah sebarang harta yang ditinggalkan oleh simati selepas kematian. Jadi, secara logik harta pusaka sudah tentu tidak boleh ditadbir (yelah, org dah mati camana nak tadbir harta). Tetapi harta yang masih belum menjadi pusaka (maknanya tuan punya harta masih hidup) sudah tentu boleh ditadbir. Inilah yang dimaksudkan dengan konsep 'pentadbiran harta pusaka', iaitu mentadbir/ merancang pembahagian harta milik dibuat semasa hayat tetapi dilaksanakn selepas kematian.

Adakah ini dibenarkan dalam Islam sedangkan sudah termaktub dalam surah An-Nisa mengenai pembahagian harta pusaka iaitu cara-cara pembahagian Faraid? Ya, memang benar Faraid telah diperuntukkan sebagai hukum dalam pembahagian harta pusaka tetapi harus ingat, Faraid dilaksanakan pada peringkat terakhir dimana tiada lagi tuntutan wajib keatas harta simati i.e hutang, wasiat, hibbah, dsb. Faraid is the 'last defend system' jika simati tidak menentukan cara pembahagian harta semasa hayatnya.

Persoalan timbul adakah kita boleh sewenang-wenangnya membahagi-bahagikan harta kita semasa hayat tetapi dilaksanakan selepas meninggal? jawapannya tidak. Harus ada cara dan syarat-2 tertentu dalam pembahagian/ perancangan ini. Contoh mudah ialah 'Wasiat'. Apa itu wasiat? jika ditanya pada orang ramai, pemahaman mengenai wasiat ialah permintaan simati bagaimana harus dibahagikan hartanya setelah beliau meninggal. Tetapi sebaliknya, pengertian sebenar wasiat ialah 'pemberian harta pusaka tidak melebihi 2/3 kepada bukan waris'. Ditekankan sekali lagi, hanya 2/3 dan pemberian bukan kepada ahli waris, maknanya tak boleh diberi kepada anak atau isteri.

Kalau dah wasiat tak boleh diberi kepada ahli waris (tahukah kita siapa ahli waris kita?), jadi apa yang tinggal untuk ahli-ahli waris? bagaimana mahu merancang agar harta kita dapat kesemuanya kepada ahli waris mengikut kehendak kita? Jawapannya: boleh melalui instrument- instrument perancangan harta pusaka islam seperti 'Harta Sepencarian', 'Hibbah', 'Wisoyyah", dsb.

Siapa dan Kenapa perlu merancang harta pusaka? Siapa - semua orang lebih lebih lagi mereka yang mempunyai sistem kekeluargaan yang luar biasa. Luar biasa seperti mempunyai hanya anak perempuan, tiada anak, hanya ada anak angkat, ada cucu tetapi tiada anak, ibu tunggal, bermadu, dan yang seangkatan dengannya. Kenapa - berbagai sebab antaranya untuk menyenangkan kehidupan mereka yang ditinggalkan, supaya harta tak jatuh ke tangan orang yang tidak boleh diharap. Sebagai contoh, seorang suami meninggal dunia meninggalkan seorang isteri dan 1 orang anak perempuan sahaja. Simati masih mempunyai ibu dan seorang abang. Simati meninggalkan sebuah rumah setingkat. Agak2 berapa bahagian isteri si mati dapat hak ketas rumah tersebut jika beliau tidak mentadbir harta pusaka sebelum meninggal? Hanya 3/24 bahagian (ibu 4/24, anak 12/24 dan abang simati 5/24). 3/24 bahagian dr rumah 1 tingkat, bahagian mana yang tinggal? dapur mungkin kot.

Persoalan bagaimana untuk mentadbir harta pusaka akan dikupas di episod akan datang

Friday, June 19, 2009

Ugly Kid Joe - Cats in the cradle

I love this song but I never bother to listen carefully or look for the lyric. Someone post the video on the Facebook, and I was tempted to look for the lyric. Below is the lyric for the song... It has a very deep meaning. Hopefully it will not happen to all of us. Be a good father, always be there for your family.


-Cats In The cradle-

Verse 1
My child arrived just the other day
Came to the world in the usual way
But there were planes to catch and bills to pay
He learned to walk while I was away
He was talkin' 'fore I knew it
And as he grew he said,
"I'm gonna be like you, Dad,
You know I'm gonna be like you."

And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon,
Little boy blue and the man 'n the moon.
"When you comin' home?"
"Son, I don't know when. We'll get together then.
You know we'll have a good time then."

Verse 2
Well, my son turned ten just the other day.
He said, "Thanks for the ball, Dad. Come on, let's play.
Could you teach me to throw?"
I said, "Not today. I got a lot to do."
He said, "That's okay." And he walked away and he smiled and he said,
"You know, I'm gonna be like him, yeah.
You know I'm gonna be like him."


Verse 3
Well, he came from college just the other day,
So much like a man I just had to say,
"I'm proud of you. Could you sit for a while?"
He shook his head and he said with a smile,
"What I'd really like, Dad, is to borrow the car keys.
See you later. Can I have them please ?"


Verse 4
I've long since retired, my son's moved away.
I called him up just the other day.
"I'd like to see you, if you don't mind."
He said, "I'd love to, Dad, if I could find the time.
You see my new job's a hassle and the kids have the flu,
But it's sure nice talkin' to you, Dad.
It's been sure nice talkin' to you."
And as I hung up the phone it occurred to me,
He'd grown up just like me.
My boy was just like me.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Milestone Achieved So Far

1. Sewa rumah untuk family - alhamduLillah dah berjaya sewa rumah yang mana jiran2 satu blog semuanya Malaysian. 1 from Saudi Kayan, 2 Dari Sabic EPM, dan 2 Dari Sipchem. Dah selamat pindah pun.Basic needs only for the moment... tunggu gaji nak beli dapur, peti sejuk, washing machine, etc. slow and steady....

2. TV, satellit - Done, Toshiba Regza, 32" jer (unlike other friend min of 42"). Nilesat so blh la tgk movie. Cuma nyesal beli gak Hotbird - igtkan byk movie, rupenyer byk sampah, movie pun dlm bahasa spain, italy, france.

3. Internet - Done last night. Afaq DSL Shamel, asked for DSL Max (speed 8Mbps-20Mbps) but not available this time. end up connected to 4Mbps jer.

4. Kereta - lambat lagi aaaaaa

5. RCA Training (as trainer) - not yet, delayed for > 1 month, not my mistake! I'm ready anytime... tentatively 21 June for the first session

6. Bring Family to KSA - document translated, that all now, still long way to go

7. Aidilfitri - tiket dah cari tapi mahal nak mampos... 4K/ person round trip. Tunggu minggu depan kalau2 harga turun

That's all for now

1st year struggle a skit... xleh nak menyimpan byk pun lagi... project nak beli tanah pertanian x tercapai lagi nih.... huhuhu

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


(Please do not print this fact sheet unless necessary!)

Approx. 324 L. of water is used to produce 1 KG of
Source: Environment Canada

Recycling 54 KG of newspaper will save one tree.
Source: Government of Canada, Digital Collections

Paper manufacturing is the 3rd largest user of fossil
fuels worldwide.
Source: American Forest and Paper Association, (Garner, J.W.. Energy
Conservation Practices Offer Environmental and Cost Benefits. Pulp &
Paper, October 2002).

Paper manufacturing is the largest industrial user of
water per pound of finished product.
Source: American Forest and Paper Association

10,000 trees are cut down annually in China to
make holiday cards.
Source: Xinhua News Agency

3 cubic yards of landfill space can be saved by one
ton of recycled paper.
Source: 50 Simple things you Can do to Save the Earth, Jodi B., Sudbury

Every ton of recycled paper saves about 17 trees.
Source: Purdue Research Foundation and US Environmental Protection
Agency, 1996

Recycling paper uses 60% less energy than
manufacturing virgin timber paper.
Source: "1996 Statistics, Data Through 1995." American Forest and Paper
Association. November 1996. Pg. 2

Paper had an overall recycling rate of 35.3% in
1994. About 55.3% of corrugated boxes, 45.3% of
newspapers, 19.3% of books, 30% of magazines,
and 42.5% of office papers were recycled in.
Source: Environmental Health and Safety Online

Recovered paper is used to make a variety of
products, including copier paper, paper towels and
napkins, corrugated boxes, and hydraulic mulch.
Source: Environmental Health and Safety Online

It takes 75,000 trees to print a Sunday Edition of
the New York Times.
Source: North Carolina Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling

Every tree provides oxygen enough for 3 people to
Source: North Carolina Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling

Recycled paper requires 64% less energy than
making paper from virgin wood pulp.
Source: Energy Educators of Ontario, 1993

Today, 90 per cent of paper pulp is made of wood.
Paper manufacture is estimated to account for
nearly 13 per cent of total wood use, and represents
one per cent of the world's total economic output.
Source: International Institute for Environment and Development, The
Sustainable Paper Cycle, draft report for the Business Council on
Sustainable Development, IIED, London, 1995; Ayres, E.; "Making Paper
without Trees", WorldWatch, September/October 1993, pp.5-8; Durning,
A. T. and Ayres, E.; "The Story of a Newspaper", WorldWatch,
November/December 1994, pp.30-32; Wright, R., personal

The US uses 25% of the world's paper products.
Source: American Forest and Paper Association

The US uses approx. 68 million trees each year to
produce 17 billion catalogues and 65 billion pieces
of direct mail.
Source: American Forest and Paper Association

The World Commission on Environment and
Development defines sustainability as
“Development that meets the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs”.
Source: World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987

Average worldwide annual paper consumption is 48
KG per person with North America accounting for
over 1/3.
Source: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
Discussion Paper (IIED, London, September 1996)

Average per capita paper use in the USA is 333 KG.
Average per capital paper use worldwide is 48 KG.
Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1997

Asia has surpassed Western Europe in paper
consumption and will soon surpass the United
Source: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
Discussion Paper (IIED, London, September 1996)

Although paper is traditionally identified with
reading and writing, communications has now been
replaced by packaging as the single largest category
of paper use at 41% of all paper used.
Source: North American Factbook PPI, 1995. (Figures are for 1993)

It is estimated that paper consumption will rise by
50% by 2010.
Source: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1997:78

Office paper is the most heavily recovered
segment of printing and writing paper (which
also includes book and magazine paper, junk
mail, brochures, etc.).
Source: Waste Age, "Profiles in Garbage," November 2001

Packaging makes up a third or more of our
Source: The Recycler's Handbook, 1990

The average American uses 18 cubic feet of
wood and 749 pounds of paper - equal to a
100-foot tree with an 18-inch trunk - each
Source: American Forest & Paper Association, 2004

Recycling half the world's paper would free 20
million acres of forestland.
Source: The Recycler's Handbook, 1990

Paper products use about 35% of the world's
annual commercial wood harvest.
Source: The Recycler's Handbook, 1990

Recycling one ton of paper saves 682.5 gallons
of oil, 7,000 gallons of water, 3.3 cubic yards
of landfill space.
Source: Waste Reduction is a Smart Business Decision, Onondaga
Resource Recovery Agency, 1998

The average American attorney uses one ton of
paper every year.
Source: Waste Reduction is a Smart Business Decision, Onondaga
Resource Recovery Agency, 1998

If offices throughout the US increased the rate
of two-sided photocopying from the 1991
figure of 20% to 60%, they could save the
equivalent of about 15 million trees."
Source: Choose to Reuse by Nikki & David Goldbeck, 1995, Earth 911

When paper rots or is composted it emits methane
gas which is 25 times more toxic than CO2.
Source: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED),
founded in 1971, was commissioned by the World Business Council for
Sustainable Development to do the study. “A Changing Future for Paper:
A summary of the study “Towards a Sustainable Paper Cycle”.

Dioxin is one by-product from use of elemental
chlorine gas in paper bleaching.
Source: Printers National Environmental Assistance Centre, Fact Sheet
by Todd MacFadden, and Michael P. Vogel, Ed.D. June, 1996

Dioxins tend to bioaccumulate, which means their
concentrations in organisms increase successively
up the food chain.
Source: Printers National Environmental Assistance Centre, Fact Sheet
by Todd MacFadden, and Michael P. Vogel, Ed.D. June, 1996

Dioxin is a proven carcinogen (cancer causing
chemical). However a 1991 study of dioxin found
that its immunological, developmental, and
neurological effects at very low levels may be more
threatening to human health than its
carcinogenicity. There is still much controversy over
the accuracy or credibility of these data, and
whether low levels of dioxins really pose a threat.
Source: Printers National Environmental Assistance Centre, Fact Sheet
by Todd MacFadden, and Michael P. Vogel, Ed.D. June, 1996

The term "dioxin-free paper" is misleading. Paper
does not contain dioxins, but they are produced as
a by-product of the papermaking process and
usually become part of the effluent wastewater of
paper mills.
Source: Printers National Environmental Assistance Centre, Fact Sheet
by Todd MacFadden, and Michael P. Vogel, Ed.D. June, 1996

Friday, May 29, 2009

Guru Bersalah

Seorang wanita muda sedang menghadiri perbicaraan di Mahkamah kerana melanggar lampu merah.
Dia menjelaskan kepada hakim bahawa dia seorang guru dan minta supaya perkaranya diselesaikan dengan cepat agar dia boleh segera kembali ke kelasnya.

"Baik, baik," kata Hakim.

"Jadi Anda seorang guru? Sudah bertahun-tahun saya menunggu kedatangan seorang guru dalam perbicaraan saya ini. Sebagai hukumannya.. Sekarang Anda duduk di meja itu dan tulislah
'Saya tidak akan melanggar lampu merah lagi' sebanyak 500 kali.

p/s: ni mesti kes balas dendam nih... tuan Hakim mesti budak Nakal dulu nih... hehehe

Cell phone Vs. Quran

Forgot where I copied this from...

*Ever wonder what would happen if we treated our Quran like we treat our cell phone?
*What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?
*What if we flipped through it several time a day?
*What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?
*What if we used it to receive messages from the text?
*What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?
*What if we gave it to kids as gifts?
*What if we used it when we traveled?
*What if we used it in case of emergency?
*This is something to make you go....hmm...where is my Quran?

*Oh, and one more thing. Unlike our cell phone, we don't have to worry about our Quran being disconnected----------------------
Please kindly post this page on your profile.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

Nama Saya Aisyah Humaira

Saya dilahirkan pada jam 5 pagi 16 April 2009 di Kuala terengganu.
Inilah pose pertama saya setelah lahir di dunia

Dan ini adalah favorite position saya masa tido

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Balik Kampung

I'm now on my way to Malaysia. Pray for my safe journey

Perjalanan jauh tak ku rasa
Kerna hati ku melonjak sama
Ingin berjumpa sanak saudara
Yang selalu bermain di mata

Nun menghijau gunung ladang dan rimba
Langit nan tinggi bertambah birunya
Deru angin turut sama berlagu
Semuanya bagaikan turut gembira

Balik kampung oh oh...( 3X )
Hati girang
Ho ho... Balik kampung (3X)
Hati girang

Terbayang wajah-wajah yang ku sayang
Satu-satu tersemat di kalbu
Pasti terubat rindu di hati
Menyambut kepulangan ku nanti

( ulang dari mula )

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Adusss Kereta

Mitsubishi Evolution 10. SR186K
Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 GT. SR79K
Dodge Charger R/T 5.7l Hemi Engine. SR146K
Dodge Charger 3.5l. SR81-91K
Dan ni kereta sewa kami. SR125/day.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ma' Daerah Turtle Sanctuary

For those who don't know, let me tell you that Kerteh has it's own Turtle Sanctuary - located at Kg. Labohan - and the name is Ma' Derah Turtle Sanctuary. The sanctuary is now co-managed by 3 parties namely The Main Sponsor- BP, The Good Fellow - WWF and The Bad Guy- Fisheries department. This site saw hundreds of turle landing each year mainly from Agar Species (Green Turtle).

Initially, there was only 1 building erected to the North of Ma' Daerah's Beach for the conservation effort, then DOW Chemicals sponsored 2 longhouse to be used as a hostel for volunteers to spend their time doing conservation activities at the same location. At that time, the buildings were powered by BP/ Nokia sponsored solar panel system. Then more and more building (more like a hut) being build and the newest (if I'm not mistaken) another long house was build at the same area. Starting 2007, all the buildings are powered by the electricity grid.

Usually this time around (end March - early April), the sanctuary will organize it's yearly Beach Cleanup GoRo. For me this is one of the most awaited entry in my yearly calender. This GoRo marks the opening of the year's nesting season. Villagers and organisations around Kerteh will be invited to join this Beach Cleanup program. The common participants are from Petronas UPUs at KIPC, BP staff (even from KL office), OPTIMAL, Residence Hotel, Awana Kijal Hotel, Kemaman Municipal, Local Schools, Student from Kusza, KUSTEM, etc and even the Khidmat Negara students.

The GORO will start early in the morning so that the participant will not be burn under the hot morning sun (remeber that this part of peninsular Malaysia, we experience sunrise at the beach - make me wonder why they do not organize the GoRo after Asar). The 1.7KM long beach will be devided into several section. During registration, the volunteer will be divided according to this section of the beach. The committee will provide all the neccessary tools and PPEs (yes, PPE - gloves, hand towels, and a cap) and some refreshment for all volunteers. I usually choose the furtest section so that I can take a ride behind a lorry - :)

By noon when everybody are tired,sweat all over the body under the hot sun, the activity will end. By this time most of us would regret coming to this GoRO, but history proved that most will return to the next year GoRo.

This year I can't joint the GoRo... Informed that there is no news yet about the GoRo? What had happens?? Come-on guys, the turtles are due to lay their eggs... we need to act fast!

Here are some pictures taken during last GoRo I joined.. and a picture of the sanctuary courtesy of google image.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Takkan Terpisah

At my previous company, in Maintenance Department there are 3 guys responsible for Electrical - Me, Hanafi and Maulana.

I love working with them due to the difference approaches and stails when dealing with problems. It is sad to be depart with them, but at least in my new company, I can still feel the present of them (although only in names)

Will upload his picture when he arrive here.

On More thing is that today when I register action item for my team, I realised that I'm working closely with SS... although this time it is not Schazeril Shamsuddin, but still SS...

What a coincident...

p/s: I know you guys don't want to let me go - U jump I jump eh??... hehehe


Friday, March 13, 2009

Keluh Kesah.... (bukan bersama Kak Esah tau)

Berikut adalah petikan e-mail dari sahabat di Malaysia...
"Dlm communication session baru nie… HR manager cakap kalau (NAMA COMPANY) wat naik gaji (cth Technical allowance) nanti middle east counter balik.. jadi macam no point ler nak bagi Technical allowance kpd group2 yg tak dpt lagi niee.. So dia org introduce seeding to coup the problems for operators dan kalau PL just support jer.. kalau takdok pun.. plant boleh jalan lagi beb.. dok macam group2 yg dpt technical allowance lo ni.. takdok dia org.. (NAMA COMPANY)dok leh jalan tuuu…

Kalau ikut kan hati memang demoralized habih doh nie bila dengor statement macam tu.. kita kan kerja as a team..kalau takboh bagi banyok..bagi lah guane… tapi teringat pasal gaji yg dibayar tu utk makan minum kita…so kena maintain keje macam biase supaya rezki berkat

Ramai macam mane PL berhenti pun dok ape..(NAMA COMPANY)will not affected…

Selagi ada kerja dan Gaji masuk cukup bulan kira alhamdullilah doh…tapi kalau org lain boleh Tech allowance..kite pun nok jugok..Oklah..setakat nie le dulu..uhuk..uhuk.."

What should I say??...

1. Sabar ajela. Masing-2 ada perspective mereka, kita tak tahu apa yang mereka fikirkan.

2. Bagi saya HR sepatutnya lebih sensitif terhadap perkara2 semacam ni... x sepatutnya ckp pekerja mereka ni tak/kurang penting berbanding yang lain. lebih2 lagi masa formal communication session.

3. Setuju ngan pendapat sahabat tersebut
..."tapi teringat pasal gaji yg dibayar tu utk makan minum kita…so kena maintain keje macam biase supaya rezki berkat…".
Memang sepatutnya gitulah walaupun susah bila dah demoralised nih.

4. My friend which is in HR once told me that (NAMA COMPANY) can't compete with middle east's company in terms of salary and allowances, so they will not focused on that - they will look at other aspect to obtain employee's loyalty. But with statement by HR manager during the communication session, it seems that they are not moving towards that direction... yet.

5. Kalaupun ada yang niat nak berhenti tu, cuma nasihat saya (sebagaimana nasihat guru saya kepada saya jugak)...
" be carefull of what u wish for "
U wish for money you will get money, but you might lost something else...

6. Salah satu cara nak menaikkan balik motivasi nih ialah dengan "look at the bright side"... (NAMA COMPANY) is quite a good company actually in terms of benefits and workload. If not because of something else I pursue in life, I will not be leaving this company. Although it is hard to beleive, but try to trust your HR people, they are (NAMA COMPANY)'s employee as well, they will not do something that can destroy the company they are working with.

PL - Executive in this company - engineers are in PL family
to the author of the email - hope you don't mind I quoted your email in my entry.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Dragon Ball The Movie

Yup! that's right. Dragon Ball the movie: Evolution, an adaption movie based on the fomous Dragon Ball comics and anime series will be premiering in US this coming April 8th. It's a long waited movie and 20th Century Fox finally made it happens.

As an adaptation movie, you can't expect that the story will be similar like in the comics and anime series. Surprisingly enough, according to the site, Goku is a high scholl student! - what a bummer.

The story will be based on the earlier series of the Dragon Ball comic where Goku live with Gohan (the granpa, not the son eh), meet Master Roshi (Datuk Kame), meet Bulma, and their quest to find Dragon ball to fight Piccolo.

Some characters' personality also changed to suite the story line of the adaptation movie. Kurilin (kurin) - Goku best pall in the comic and anime will not be in the movie (maybe due to difficulties to find 3 foots tall, bald actor that can Martial arts well).

Who else in the movie? - Chi Chi, Grandpa Gohan, Yamcha, Bulma, Roshi, Piccolo, Mai (which in this adaptation will be very tallented, sexy and an assistant to piccolo whereas in the comic she is nothing), sifu Norris (who the heck is sifu Norris??)

personally, when I was told about the airing of this Dragon Ball movie, I was very excited, but when I read through the site looking for the info about the movie, I'm now worry either the movie can fullfill high ecpectation from billions of Dragon Ball's fans around the world or not. Let us wait and see (or watch the movie or download the movie...hehehe)

p/s: wonder Goku will have his tail or not??

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Beli Decoder Utk Tgk RTM??

Petikan Akhbar

"KEPONG: Orang ramai perlu memasang dekoder dengan anggaran harga RM300 apabila sistem penyiaran digital menggantikan analog diguna pakai sepenuhnya oleh Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM).

Menteri Penerangan, Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek, ia mungkin mahal pada peringkat permulaan kerana orang ramai perlu membeli dekoder bagi menonton televisyen tidak berbayar RTM dan tentunya membebankan golongan kurang berkemampuan.

“Namun peralihan kepada sistem digital adalah perlu, selaras dengan perkembangan dan kecanggihan teknologi penyiaran dunia masa kini,” katanya.

Beliau berkata, proses pendigitalan penyiaran televisyen perlu dimulakan sekarang kerana jika tidak, Malaysia akan ketinggalan berbanding negara lain, apatah lagi negara Asean akan menghentikan siaran analog pada 2015....."

My comments:
1. Rm300 utk dpt tgk siaran RTM? rancangan apa yang worth?
2. Astro-less people usually orang2 kampung/ tua yang x tinggal bersama ank/ cucu yang berpendapatan/ berpengetahuan. Tahukah mereka pasal decoder? digital? Analog?. Kang nanti habis2 dia cakap "apahal pulak arial tv aku ni... nak kena beli baru ker?". So, kepada anak2/cucu2 yang mana org2 tua mereka xder astro, tlg la beli decoder tu dan install siap2 pastu ajar camana nak guna supaya daptla mereka tengok berita TV1 ataupun siaran langsung tilawah al-quran nanti.
3. How about TV3? xkan nak kena switch dr decoder ke arial bila nak switch between RTM to TV3? satu lagi nak kena ajar betul2 nih.
4. The best way is to install Astro... semua ada tapi byk la plak kena bayar bulan2. worht it or not?
5. jadi semua input port kat belakang tv dah penuh a nanti - decoder, arial, DVD player, Game console, home teater. hehehe... tak penuh kot sebab biasa yg ada pun arial ngan dvd/vcd player jer...
6. It is a neccessary move as he said it... no comment on that...
7. Sapa yang akan untung besar nanti?? - jeng jeng jeng
8. Tapi kalau pikirkan balik, bagus gak kalau x install decoder nih... kurang skit dengar fitnah... ooppss!
9. Once again, berbaloi ke beli digital decoder untuk dapatkan siaran RTM???

p/s: teringat dulu2... masa best tengok RTM bila hujung tahun... 'Final Countdown' - sebab tunjuk banyak criter2 best Mat Saleh...

Jalan- Jalan Cari Makan

After 2 hours wondering around (x ngaku sesat) Al-Khobar town, we finally found the famous Malaysian Kitchen. Looking at the menu, my eyes and stomach agreed on 1 menu - 'Nasi Lemak Special' and 'Teh Tarik'...(yang lain pun mula la nak tiru gak)

Takleh nak komen byk on the taste sebab masa tu hidung br start nak selsema, so deria rasa takleh nak rely sangat.

A few friends from Jubail were there as well (including Shahril and Family, but still x berkesempatan nak kenal yang mana satu Neeza - yela sbb diaorg kat Family section). Also berkesempatan berkenalan dengan a few Malaysian friend from Khobar and Dammam.

Overall, quite a good trip.

Pintu Masuk. Xleh nak ambik gambar penuh dari luar sbb cermin dia telus, takut nanti orang kata nak ambik gambar anak dara dia plak

Haji Saba happy jer jumper kedai motor and ex-bikers. Kalau dah mat rempit tu...

Nasi Lemak SAR15. Semua orang order benda sama jer

Teh Tarik SAR5

Trip detail:
Car : Nissan Tiida (Malaysia - Nissan Latio)
Driver: Me
In the car: Hj Saba, Mahathir, Azri
From Jubail: 1630 hours
At Khobar: arround magrib. At MK around 2000 hrs
Experience to Khobar: Me (0), Hj Saba (0), Azri (0), Mahathir (1) - None been to MK before
Back to Jubail: 0000 hours
Will be back??: Absolutely yes

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Macro by ASUS P525

Camera: ASUS P525 Embended Camera
Pixel : 2M (only)
Location : Fanateer, Jubail, KSA
Subject : lanscape plantation
Time : 1200 hrs
Weather : Clear

Monday, March 2, 2009

Promoted to Reliability Engineer

Saudi Kayan, Feb 15, 2009 - Hadlynoor Bin Muhamad, rakyat Malaysia pertama dinaikkan pangkat menjadi Reliability Engineer di Saudi Kayan. Pengumuman mengenai kenaikan pangkat ini telah dibuat secara rasmi oleh Presiden Saudi Kayan Petrochemical Company menerusi laman web rasmi syarikat tersebut.
Dengan kenaikan pangkat ini, Hadlynoor yang dulunya dilantik sebagai RCA Engineer, menyaksikan kenaikan gaji sekurang- kurangnya 17%. Anak muda ini hanya berada bersama syarikat Saudi Kayan selama tidak sampai 3 bulan, tetapi memandangkan prestasi cemerlang yang ditunjukkan, pihak pengurusan Saudi Kayan tidak teragak-agak untuk melantik beliau sebagai Reliability Engineer.

Hehehe... alangkah bestnyer kalau betul- betul jadi kenyataan kan? sebenarnya gimik je tu... orang kata tak salah nak berangan kan? The reason why my ID showed 'Reliability Engineer'instead of RCA Engineer just because they can't spell RCA Engineer in Arabic, so I ask them to put Reliability instead of RCA. Wat apa nak peningkan kepala kan? Yang lagi bestnyer kalau terjemah yang dalam Iqamah jadi Electronic Engineer plak. - hahaha

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Akibat Summer di KSA

Hehehe... actually this is one of the art created by one of us (not me - of course). It's a waste if I do not upload this to my blog

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Award Winning Blog?

Puan Neeza ( awarded me with this 'blog paling gila' awards. Thanks and with humble I accepted the awards... (kembang hidung jap)...

To who I supposed to give this award? I have no idea.. i've not follow other blogs (kalau ada pun follow jer, x respond pun)... xkan nak bagi balik kat Neeza? kang tak pasal2 kena bebel lak (yerla, kalau dh dpt xkan dia nak publish lagi sekali kan?)...

ada lagi satu blog yang saya actively follow but I don't think it is suitable to award him this 'blog paling gila'? What do you think, should I give this award to Che Det??

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Helmet v.s. Serban

There is an article pubslish in Harakah complaining about court decision agains a 'pondok' student. This student was sued for not wearing a helmet while riding his motorcycle. The reason being is that the attorney can't give a prove that this kid is a 'lebai' according to the law. This 'lebai' definition is too vague and is open for critism. As a result, this kid was fined and put in jailed for few days.

The question raised - why do sikhs are allowed not to wear helmet whereas muslims who try to practice Rasullulah's way were fined? According to the author, it seems not right that for a so called muslim country have this double standard towards muslims.

After reading this article, make me thinks, why do we want to jeopardise our safety for the sake of following Rasullullah's way of dressing. Which is more important, making sure the safety of oneself or following sunnah? Isn't it protecting oneself is Wajib and following sunnah is Sunnah? What would Rasullullah s.a.w's view on this.

My opinion (which is not important to many of people) is that not wearing helmet while riding a motorcycle in Malaysia is just like looking for 'maut'. Statistics and research shows that wearing a helmet may help in protecting our head. But, you can always say that, if we are ikhlas in following the way of Rasullullah, Allah may help in protecting us - InsyaAllah. But still, why do we want to take that risk? And I beleive the trip is not that long... only for a few minutes not following sunnah.

Maybe the confinement of this student is the way Allah want to protect him from any accident. Who knows??

Friday, February 13, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ribut Pasir

Hari ni for the first time in my life, aku merasai sendiri ribut pasir. Suasana dia lagi teruk dari jerebu kat KL... langit kuning jer dengan debu pasir. Jarak penglihatan terhad (sorry, aku fail bab anggar jarak nih) - tapi yang pasti terhad.

Mengikut dari interview yang dilakukan oleh geng2 Malaysia ke atas pak2 Arab, ribut pasir ni akan berterusan selama 2 hari kemudian diikuti oleh hujan lebat. Ribut pasir ni merupakan simbol peralihan musim dari musim sejuk ke musim panas...

Summer nanti lain la plak masalahnya. Aku ingatkan summer sini ok la sebab humidity rendah tapi lain plak yang aku dengar... summer kat Jubail tak sama ngan summer di Mekkah atau Madinah, summer sini temperature high, HUMIDITY pun high jugak... alamat berpeluh la nanti... nasib baik aku masuk office x perlu naik van masuk dlm plant... kalau tak dok jenuh cium bau kicap2 je la nanti...

Sorry, entry kali ni xder gambar.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

KRMJ - My collection

New Exco for KRMJ. Yang depan tu president
Champion tengah main V'ball
Kusyuknyer org lain dengar AGM
Makan First Round
Pandangan dari luar Sitting Room
Hanafiah, Salehuddin, Rajee, YB Mazlan, Handsome man
Geng ex-company in jubail
Kekenyangan Lepas makan

Kelab Rakyat Malaysia Jubail (KRMJ) Gathering

All pictures are taken from Neeza Shahril's blog. My collection still can't be uploaded... connection slow.

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more pictures available at

Friday, January 16, 2009

Antara Jumaat di Al Fanateer, Mu'alim Hussien, Dan Lumba Kuda

Jumaat kali ni kami berjumaat di Masjid Ibnu Tamiah di bandar Al-Fanater

Inilah Mu'alim Hussien yang sudi menjadi kawan kami di Al-Bahar ni.

Lepas asar, Mu'alim Hussien mengajak pula kami menonton lumba kuda. Lumba kuda diadakan setiap Jumaat di sini.

AlhamduLillah, x pernah terpikir oleh kami bahawa minggu ni kami akan dapat pergi solat jumaat berkenderaan dan ditambah lagi dapat menonton lumba kuda... itulah Takdir....