I love working with them due to the difference approaches and stails when dealing with problems. It is sad to be depart with them, but at least in my new company, I can still feel the present of them (although only in names)

Will upload his picture when he arrive here.
On More thing is that today when I register action item for my team, I realised that I'm working closely with SS... although this time it is not Schazeril Shamsuddin, but still SS...
What a coincident...
p/s: I know you guys don't want to let me go - U jump I jump eh??... hehehe
Salam Hardly Know,
Macamana la nama aku terpahat kat sana....tak pe ..tu tanda2 la tu akan sampai sana suatu hari nanti....as you always sing a song..." I believe I can fly..." he..he...
Bai Maulana,
Skg lagu tema aku mcm cite amageddon tu "leaving on a jet a plane..." ngan lagu Sudirman "Balik Kampung"... yea yea yea
Siap hafal lirik tu......
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