Friday, March 13, 2009

Keluh Kesah.... (bukan bersama Kak Esah tau)

Berikut adalah petikan e-mail dari sahabat di Malaysia...
"Dlm communication session baru nie… HR manager cakap kalau (NAMA COMPANY) wat naik gaji (cth Technical allowance) nanti middle east counter balik.. jadi macam no point ler nak bagi Technical allowance kpd group2 yg tak dpt lagi niee.. So dia org introduce seeding to coup the problems for operators dan kalau PL just support jer.. kalau takdok pun.. plant boleh jalan lagi beb.. dok macam group2 yg dpt technical allowance lo ni.. takdok dia org.. (NAMA COMPANY)dok leh jalan tuuu…

Kalau ikut kan hati memang demoralized habih doh nie bila dengor statement macam tu.. kita kan kerja as a team..kalau takboh bagi banyok..bagi lah guane… tapi teringat pasal gaji yg dibayar tu utk makan minum kita…so kena maintain keje macam biase supaya rezki berkat

Ramai macam mane PL berhenti pun dok ape..(NAMA COMPANY)will not affected…

Selagi ada kerja dan Gaji masuk cukup bulan kira alhamdullilah doh…tapi kalau org lain boleh Tech allowance..kite pun nok jugok..Oklah..setakat nie le dulu..uhuk..uhuk.."

What should I say??...

1. Sabar ajela. Masing-2 ada perspective mereka, kita tak tahu apa yang mereka fikirkan.

2. Bagi saya HR sepatutnya lebih sensitif terhadap perkara2 semacam ni... x sepatutnya ckp pekerja mereka ni tak/kurang penting berbanding yang lain. lebih2 lagi masa formal communication session.

3. Setuju ngan pendapat sahabat tersebut
..."tapi teringat pasal gaji yg dibayar tu utk makan minum kita…so kena maintain keje macam biase supaya rezki berkat…".
Memang sepatutnya gitulah walaupun susah bila dah demoralised nih.

4. My friend which is in HR once told me that (NAMA COMPANY) can't compete with middle east's company in terms of salary and allowances, so they will not focused on that - they will look at other aspect to obtain employee's loyalty. But with statement by HR manager during the communication session, it seems that they are not moving towards that direction... yet.

5. Kalaupun ada yang niat nak berhenti tu, cuma nasihat saya (sebagaimana nasihat guru saya kepada saya jugak)...
" be carefull of what u wish for "
U wish for money you will get money, but you might lost something else...

6. Salah satu cara nak menaikkan balik motivasi nih ialah dengan "look at the bright side"... (NAMA COMPANY) is quite a good company actually in terms of benefits and workload. If not because of something else I pursue in life, I will not be leaving this company. Although it is hard to beleive, but try to trust your HR people, they are (NAMA COMPANY)'s employee as well, they will not do something that can destroy the company they are working with.

PL - Executive in this company - engineers are in PL family
to the author of the email - hope you don't mind I quoted your email in my entry.


Neeza Shahril said...

HR selalu jadi scapegoat.. padahal the decision came from the board..
I was in HR position once.. sedih sangat bila orang kata HR itu and ini..
the big boss senang aje - bagi direction to HR and ask the HR to do the dirty job..

I guess you could tell your friend, there's no such things as a free lunch.. in order to get something, you will need to sacrifice something else..
Redha with what he's enjoying now.. Insyaallah, he'll be more peaceful inside..

Andak Ali said...


Neeza Shahril said...


LIFE4Oman said...

so this is yr blog, heh... will come here often, tk care bro!

Andak Ali said...

Puah doh mmikir... still couldn't figure out who has initials RH

Neway, thanks for visiting