Saturday, February 21, 2009

Akibat Summer di KSA

Hehehe... actually this is one of the art created by one of us (not me - of course). It's a waste if I do not upload this to my blog

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Award Winning Blog?

Puan Neeza ( awarded me with this 'blog paling gila' awards. Thanks and with humble I accepted the awards... (kembang hidung jap)...

To who I supposed to give this award? I have no idea.. i've not follow other blogs (kalau ada pun follow jer, x respond pun)... xkan nak bagi balik kat Neeza? kang tak pasal2 kena bebel lak (yerla, kalau dh dpt xkan dia nak publish lagi sekali kan?)...

ada lagi satu blog yang saya actively follow but I don't think it is suitable to award him this 'blog paling gila'? What do you think, should I give this award to Che Det??

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Helmet v.s. Serban

There is an article pubslish in Harakah complaining about court decision agains a 'pondok' student. This student was sued for not wearing a helmet while riding his motorcycle. The reason being is that the attorney can't give a prove that this kid is a 'lebai' according to the law. This 'lebai' definition is too vague and is open for critism. As a result, this kid was fined and put in jailed for few days.

The question raised - why do sikhs are allowed not to wear helmet whereas muslims who try to practice Rasullulah's way were fined? According to the author, it seems not right that for a so called muslim country have this double standard towards muslims.

After reading this article, make me thinks, why do we want to jeopardise our safety for the sake of following Rasullullah's way of dressing. Which is more important, making sure the safety of oneself or following sunnah? Isn't it protecting oneself is Wajib and following sunnah is Sunnah? What would Rasullullah s.a.w's view on this.

My opinion (which is not important to many of people) is that not wearing helmet while riding a motorcycle in Malaysia is just like looking for 'maut'. Statistics and research shows that wearing a helmet may help in protecting our head. But, you can always say that, if we are ikhlas in following the way of Rasullullah, Allah may help in protecting us - InsyaAllah. But still, why do we want to take that risk? And I beleive the trip is not that long... only for a few minutes not following sunnah.

Maybe the confinement of this student is the way Allah want to protect him from any accident. Who knows??

Friday, February 13, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ribut Pasir

Hari ni for the first time in my life, aku merasai sendiri ribut pasir. Suasana dia lagi teruk dari jerebu kat KL... langit kuning jer dengan debu pasir. Jarak penglihatan terhad (sorry, aku fail bab anggar jarak nih) - tapi yang pasti terhad.

Mengikut dari interview yang dilakukan oleh geng2 Malaysia ke atas pak2 Arab, ribut pasir ni akan berterusan selama 2 hari kemudian diikuti oleh hujan lebat. Ribut pasir ni merupakan simbol peralihan musim dari musim sejuk ke musim panas...

Summer nanti lain la plak masalahnya. Aku ingatkan summer sini ok la sebab humidity rendah tapi lain plak yang aku dengar... summer kat Jubail tak sama ngan summer di Mekkah atau Madinah, summer sini temperature high, HUMIDITY pun high jugak... alamat berpeluh la nanti... nasib baik aku masuk office x perlu naik van masuk dlm plant... kalau tak dok jenuh cium bau kicap2 je la nanti...

Sorry, entry kali ni xder gambar.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

KRMJ - My collection

New Exco for KRMJ. Yang depan tu president
Champion tengah main V'ball
Kusyuknyer org lain dengar AGM
Makan First Round
Pandangan dari luar Sitting Room
Hanafiah, Salehuddin, Rajee, YB Mazlan, Handsome man
Geng ex-company in jubail
Kekenyangan Lepas makan

Kelab Rakyat Malaysia Jubail (KRMJ) Gathering

All pictures are taken from Neeza Shahril's blog. My collection still can't be uploaded... connection slow.

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